NGN to USD | historical currency prices including date ranges, indicators, symbol comparison, frequency and display options for Nigerian Naira/U.S. Dollar. Convert US Dollar to Nigerian Naira with the latest USD to NGN exchange rate, fees, and trend analysis with Instarem US. Operational exchange rates for one United States Dollar (USD) listed by country. Nigeria Naira, , 15 Aug , History. Niue, NZD, New Zealand Dollar. Nigerian Naira - values, historical data, forecasts and news - updated While the USDNGN spot exchange rate is quoted and exchanged in the same day. Calculator to convert money in Nigerian Naira (NGN) to and from United States Dollar (USD) using up to date exchange rates.
The average US Dollar to Nigerian Naira exchange rate for the last six months was 1 USD = 1, NGN. Why Trust Us? has been. 1 NGN to USD Exchange Rates ; High, $ ; Low, $ ; Avg, $ ; Volatility, +%. 1 NGN = USD Aug 30, UTC. Send Money. Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here. The currency converter below is easy to. Track and analyze Nigerian Naira (NGN) currency exchange rates from all sources/markets commonly used in Nigeria with app. NGNUSD Nigerian Naira US DollarCurrency Exchange Rate Live Price Chart ; NGNRUB, , , % ; NGNKRW, , , %. Want to know how much Nigerian Naira you get for every US Dollar Today? ; 1 NGN, USD ; 5 NGN, USD ; 10 NGN, USD ; 20 NGN, USD. Conversion rates Nigerian Naira / US Dollar. 1 NGN, USD. 5 NGN, USD. 10 NGN, USD. 20 NGN, USD. 50 NGN, USD. NGN. Convert Nigerian Naira to US Dollar ; 1 NGN, USD ; 3 NGN, USD ; 5 NGN, USD ; 7 NGN, USD. Convert 1 NGN to USD with ClearTax Currency Converter online for free. Get the latest 1 Nigerian Naira to United States Dollar exchange rate and analyze. NGN to USD Conversion Table · 1 Nigerian Naira, United States Dollar · 2 Nigerian Naira, United States Dollar · 3 Nigerian Naira. Quick Conversions from United States Dollar to Nigerian Naira: 1 USD = 1, NGN ; US$ 5, ₦ 7, ; US$ 10, ₦ 15, ; US$ 50, ₦ 79, ; US$ , ₦.
1 NGN = USD 1 USD = NGN Live currency rates - incessant updated directly from the interbank market. Check today's US Dollar to Nigerian Naira exchange rate with Western Union's currency converter. Send USD and your receiver will get NGN in minutes. The most trusted platform to get the live exchange rates. Convert foreign currencies instantly with the Abokifx calculator. Daily Naira to Dollar, Euro, Pound, Australian Dollar, Renminbi, Riyal, Turkish Lira, Ringgit, CFA exchange rates for black market, CBN, BDC, Western Union. OANDA's Currency Converter allows you to check the latest foreign exchange average bid/ask rates and convert all major world currencies. Current exchange rate US DOLLAR (USD) to NIGERIA NAIRA (NGN) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart. Dollar to Naira parallel market exchange rate has an average of ₦1, in Nigeria today on 29/08/, according to 1 buy rate coming from the users in the. United States dollar to Nigerian naira (USD to NGN). Quickly and easily calculate foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter. Convert Nigerian Naira to Dollars otherwise known as NGN to USD. Live conversions at of August
The best rate to send Nigerian Naira from US Dollar to your loved ones in Nigeria is currently offered by Ria Money Transfer; their 1 USD to NGN exchange rate. +%. (1Y). 1 USD = 1, NGN. Aug 29, , Convert 1 US dollars USD to Nigerian naira NGN. Use Alpari's converter to quickly and conveniently make currency conversions online. USD/NGN - US Dollar Nigerian Naira ; 1, (%). Real-time Data 30/08 ; Day's Range. 1, 1, 52 wk Range. 1, 1 NGN = USD. Our Nigerian Naira to Dollar conversion tool gives you a way to compare the latest and historic interbank exchange rates for NGN to USD.
REVEALED: ₦820 Naira to $1 Dollar? Exchange Rate Policy Explained!
The Chipper “Convert" feature enables you to convert your local currency to US dollars (USD). The converted funds can then be cashed out to a Naira (NGN) bank. Our real time US Dollar Nigerian Naira converter will enable you to convert your amount from USD to NGN. All prices are in real time. exchange rates, which are published each business day by ET. Amount and Currency. Amount. From.. To. Australian dollar, Brazilian real, Chinese. NIGERIAN NAIRA - NGN; NORWEGIAN KRONE - NOK; OMAN RIAL - OMR; PAKISTANI RUPEE Please Note: The currency conversion rate and the converted amount are. Price (NGN)1, · Today's Change / % · 1 Year change+% · 52 week range - 1,